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Smile AOT Works

08/28/14 9:49 PM

#11274 RE: mr_sano #11273

Hello Mr_Sano,
In your rush to reply you you forgot to mention my name, lucky I did not miss your post, but others may be misled towards the belief you are writing to them with the mistaken omission, slow down next time, or maybe if the edit function allows you may insert my name still.

Now this post seems to break the repetition in which the analogy highlighted, but the below quote does not relect any of my posts
"Now let me guess you are now going to proclaim that AOT will deal a death blow to chem companies by making obsolete all their DRA products with just one puff of the Magic White Pipe."

My posts are very limited so a quick reference will show that your comments are not just misleading, but incorrect.

But to keep this post relevant AOT can and will complement the use of DRA products, at no point in my reading have I found a statement from a credible source stating otherwise. I believe the 2 systems of viscosity reduction will work hand in hand for many years to come, percentages of DRA's may be an area of change though. The DRA industry is well established and a respected part of the oil and gas industry I don't think it warrants a statement saying it will be delt a death blow, that sort of inflammatory talk would deliver panic to one working in that industry which would be an unnecessary worry at the individual family level, irresponsible talk if you ask me.

Did you notice the white paint on the AOT skid system that has been installed on the major North American pipeline, I wonder if this is AOT's signature colour, will that clean white reflect a part of future branding.
Future branding is an important part of a company, as the brand is a part of the promise. I am an advocate of Brand, as you can see, it has the ability to give a long and short term view.
To look at the short term view for one moment, ask yourself how is my brand perceived the brand of "Mr_Sano" it's a great way to relect when looking to move forward. STWA must consider its Brant to be of importance too, they are slowly and methodically building it.

Smile AOT Works