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08/28/14 3:27 PM

#16443 RE: James salmon #16442

This was planned.They took it down cause they knew it would cause a panic sell off.

Yes if a r/s was announced and that was all they done then the pps now would reflect there decision and be correct.

That's not what happened.To me they cleared the debt.Got a clean balance sheet and going to be a nothing SS so this is not correct regarding the pps.

They got rid of 18.5 million off the books.No way in hell does this reflect what the pps should be.

As far as the ligation they owe that and they have no way out.It don't matter if they did not use it stop using it or shelf it in a closet and throw away the key they did not terminate per the agreement.

You never going to see a transcript regarding discovery the depositions.They not going to allow us to break it down and post it so the world sees it imho.

Court hearing rulings decisions you see court ordered transcripts and other filings but not this info again imo.