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08/28/14 2:46 PM

#16438 RE: James salmon #16437

Yes is all I will say ever I gave my word which might mean nothing to some but to me I take it to my grave.

I'm just pissed off at the way they took the pps down to freaking nothing.I really felt it would hold half cent.Then the r/s would make sense.

After the r/s the pps would have been at 1.25 little if any debt and a very low SS.That would have gave the company about 25 million market cap the way I figured it which is still not in line with what it should be.

Then you get a settlement judgement at some point.You get one hell of a milestone payment regarding F/A then the market cap should be 2x what I figured above.

Then you in a position later on to get a buyout thats in line with where the company stands then in the short future.

The jury is still out but so far we not looking so good regarding this deal that was told to me to be non-dilute to common holders.

Now if they run it back up before the r/s occurs then it would not cause the pps will be 250x and your shares will be 250x less which is equal imo.However if they dont then we in one freaking mess.

These people that invested the cash one for sure is going to want to move the company forward to reap huge rewards regaqrding the pipeline again imho.