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08/28/14 2:25 PM

#20325 RE: Wild-bill #20323

Hmmmm. PPS has been grinding flatly for the last 4 days; now Intermediately Consolidated. Looks like MMs exchanging, holding control sliding into the Annual Report...purpose???

5 day chart:

Shorters are beginning to leave as the Short Reports show. Changing hands and buying to cover, slowly at first??

Previously tremendous daily/weekly volume and Short Sales have virtually disappeared. Is big buyer finished buying? Will this pps hold??

Yes, Labor day. Very well could be just the month in the middle of a quarter of summer lull. 2nd quarter ends September Mid-Year Report in early Oct.

I really liked the thoroughness of the annual report that Jamison gave. Very confident and detailed; especially all of the questions posed by the investors. Many of those questions have been a source of emotional criticism and speculation, even drawing insults to Jamison as he stated! lol.

I think he answered all those questions very well in a realistic and detailed business sense; extremely confident and knowledgeable, and reassuring in the sense of CPST's continued growth and performance.

I am sure it still won't satisfy some, but since I have been here so long, I appreciated the historical numbers Jamison spoke of regarding the company's situation before he came and that of today. Especially the Chart of Historical backlog difference today; 35% per year since 2008. That great growth was not an experience of new comers to the stock.

It was very interesting to hear the several comparisons Jamison made to Fuel Cell, especially to their falling margins and CPST's continual growth in margins.

CPST is still being affected by Historical events out of the company's control, but it continues to grow; increased revenue Q/Q 26 of the last 28 quarters.

What will happen to the pps now? Bottom appears to be in. Long term is definitely up. Chart breakout is very close as well.

Buy on the dips, imo.........