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08/28/14 8:18 AM

#91004 RE: Dan321 #91003

Having instructed high skool math a while I find it commonplace that many do not understand mathematics and, in fact, run and hide from it. But then those same people embrace prospects given them from the same science that guides them through an automobile GPS. Mathematics are a universal rule in everything.

Understanding math and market dynamics shows shorting in mmtc is very evident. You are right, whoever is shorting mmtc is not important. Its effects are overwhelming. Shareholder equity has been completely destroyed and now accelerates out of control while inside positions finalize their exodus.

Two distinct events have been underway in mmtc: Systematic insider selling and overwhelming shorting. 26 years trading experience, degrees in mathematics and business and a graduate dissertation on the very topic of detecting insider shenanigans/dissolve of position all strongly suggest what I frequently present here. mmtc IS A SCAM WITH INSIDER SELLING AND DISTINCT OVERWHELMING SHORT POSITION MAKING. mmtc SUCKS


08/28/14 3:18 PM

#91008 RE: Dan321 #91003

right Dan, like he claims 'all the trades' are shorting,
but just how does that work,??? it cant, know why

not enough volume, simple

if they short all the shares, then buy then back at the bottoms,,,

what do they do them then???????!!!!

if all the shorting is at the top, where do they "sell"
their finalized options?????!!!!!!

it never adds up,,,not enough volume,,to even pretend it does