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08/27/14 10:09 PM

#29307 RE: 37thirtyseven37 #29297

A lot of folks inspired me to continue and to contribute. Right now, it's at the lowest point because of the current environment (with many longs on the sidelines) and opportunistic individuals who are posting things already posted a million times (and discussed a million times - nothing NEW). This even includes posting about Banzai Girl being developed by Benny's wife, which we know is not the case (wrong wife - wrong person) and is completely inaccurate and discredits many of the commentary preceding or coming thereafter. Yes, I'm talking around people....this is because they are talking around us - but we're still here. I agree with your assessments as we move up later too - LOL.

I shall go back into active hibernation (form here) now with a big confident smile on my face. I've spoken with you already 37, but if anyone else wants to periodically PM, my door is open. If it's to bash or talk nonsense, the door shall be closed fast in this point of the game; so please don't waste your time.