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08/28/14 12:07 PM

#30660 RE: Charlie3274 #30658


It is odd to me that we see them drilling in 2013 ,what happened for 11 months after this video?

I do too. I dont understand the need for dilution IF financial backing was already in place years ago. XNRG has financing in place but cant drill wells seems to be a contradiction to claims made by CEO.

Things got pretty quiet after that as far as media updates. Next was the tank delivery in 12/2013.

After tank delivery XNRG goes quiet to REapply for drilling permits.

Media update in 5/2014 6 months later. The progress from 2013 to 2014 is minimal. Its almost like the videos released this year couldve been shot last year.

The Vencedor NorthEastern consolidated operater referred to the drilling rig and its location being parked on a well location at the Rice Lease. In the 5/22 video update, Operator specifically says

" We are waiting to get with the executives over at Xun to see exactly which well they wanna drill next."

Lets see how things go over the next week or two.

To me at least he is implying that they were about to start exploration at the next well site. In addition this seems to contradict what was already stated in an previous video when the operator SPECIFIED which wells XNRG planned to drill by panning to each one.
LOL at the field is like one big marsh. Are these guys oil men or what?