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08/26/14 7:29 PM

#55185 RE: Optionsmaster #55183

Some do not see that recent actions around the world are affecting status of patents and intellectual property.

China is now getting ready to put out its first competitive software operating system to MSFT and Goggle and Apple. Again Asia now is inclusive major force in world electronics. Goggle trial win has taken away some of intellectual property foundation worldwide. Why patent when you are world's biggest producer of electronics, everyone uses? Russia, India, and China go together on this . . . and USA and EU are backwater haunts. Stupidly, USA and EU are now locked into race to the bottom, via their stance towards Russia. Dumb-and dumber antics could cause quick collapse of world economies.
A very cold winter and some governments are going to look like ship of fools. "
Think who makes most of world's NG and oil tankers (Asia).

I averaged down on VRNG . . . I will buy in slowly and small amounts that cannot cause major damage to my other stocks.

VRNG may be force in future economic scenarios, if world divides into 3 regional markets, with definite import-export tax barriers ala 1930's race to devalue their currencies? World Court may still exist (as League of Nations did in 1930's) . . . but no one did what they said they would. China can now say . . . 'I will get back to you on that'. TRANSLATION: if you want our products and want to sell in China (and eventually Asia) . . . you follow what we ask you to do. The NWO may or may not give a damn about patents for overseas markets, as long as each of the 3 world sectors can put barriers on imports. Human nature is tribal free-field . . . one-world-ism is sham.

Goggle may have done something they will regret, later on.
Should have made back-room deal with VRNG . . . AND bot their patents out. Goggle could have bot VRNG patents for several million dollars . . . lunch money to them. Goggle delivery drones . . . what a screwed idea . . . ever noted that drones crash and can be hacked? Insurance claims and bad PR costs?

VRNG is not 'going sway' . . . they can keep foreign competition out of Americas with infringement suits. Someone big will start paying VRNG to use their patents and thus make a statement of control, over product usage in Americas? That company, then backs VRNG to be their junkyard dog.

Anything patent office intellectual property awards are reversed by a court . . . you lose national freedom of commerce. Patent office then becomes mere paper fillers, a library to loot.

Someone will buy up VRNG patents . . . before VRNG is allowed into BK. And, the asking price will not be pinkie land monies. The thicker your patent shelf . . . the better to screw-driver down your prior patents reach.