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04/06/06 4:37 PM

#55616 RE: cowboycadillac #55605

What makes Etrade Pro the Validated Standard of all Trading Platforms? How do you know you're seeing the true numbers?

You should sell first thing tomorrow morning and be rid of us.


04/06/06 5:01 PM

#55660 RE: cowboycadillac #55605

did anybody think that buying at the bid and not the ask was a little suspicious. its just time to pay the piper. you just made the cd coversion that much better. MMs are not stupid. Now if you want to continue to buy at the bid, than take a look at VWKM. were about to weeks behind them. sometimes there is to much arrogance on this board for its own good


04/06/06 5:25 PM

#55673 RE: cowboycadillac #55605

Hey Cowboy. Put int your sell order for tomorow tight now at .0002 foa ll your shares. We wouldn't want you hurt anymore by our scam!!! :-)