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08/23/14 12:38 PM

#790 RE: altruism #789

ALT…seen the EAGLES docu?? Joe is front and center

G Frey grew up one city away from us…….always came back and hung out with Seger during the real BIG days for those groups……….

got some more of MCIG around 40ish, it took the 20% pullback much LATER than I thought it would ( called for it in May/June)………. but it has substantial legs now ………..
>>> ON a different continent, but same sector play, I'm watching GLLA (irish mcig sorta)

MHTX is similar as far as management goes…….got in this past week……up 10% and with the new consultant ( see news) it should do a slow, sleeper rise………

I seem to like the FANNIE play for only short bursts……getting in around 3.8 isn and out around 10-15%,,,,,,the last 2 rounds have done well, BUT whatthw 6 month survival rate is anyones guess……….pity the GOV cant see what Fannie would do on its own,,,,,,but they've used it as a CASH hog slush fund, so what did I expect??????

I'll check out this latest………… I'm up to trade 30………keeping focused on the % aspect and not getting psyched out by the dollar value risk……..hopefully I can EARN the balls of steel needed to get to 60 trades with the chunk


09/11/14 4:42 PM

#797 RE: altruism #789

another MJ play full of nefarious individuals…….will have FLIP legs

thanks for the tip off….played for 3 hrs last monday……..getting dicey going forward here though…...

CEO---Uccello is a skip-trace artist full of lawsuits and IRS liens

Vortex (Davyd Field….VP of marketing-ish,,er….lol) has played "please acquire my company" with 2 other scams in last 15 months

The land these guys want in CO is yet to be State approved for MJ use, and is NOT closed on yet……although the real estate owner ( Mehos ) is probably the CLEANEST of the bunch…..have yet to DD his past

it is a great FLIP candidate…….the run from 1 to 2 cents was worth 30%, being smart and taking no'll probably fall back to .012-.015 and then start again…….depends on if the DD gang starts ssoner versus later

they got lots of PR pump firepower to play with so it should be a DELUXE promo show over the next 2-3 weeks……………like I said it all depends if the DD group jumps in………...