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08/24/14 1:00 AM

#47081 RE: toogoodfella #46992

**** Docket 46073 ****

A. Approval of the Investments is in the Best Interests of Creditors
16. Pursuant to the Investments, LBSF and LBCC may loan to LBHI the
LBSF Investment Amount and the LBCC Investment Amount in exchange for a rate of return
that is enhanced compared to the rate that otherwise would be earned on the investment of such
amounts. The Investments will make immediately available for distribution to holders of
Allowed Claims against LBHI, including holders of Allowed Claims against LBSF and LBCC
with corresponding Guarantee Claims against LBHI, amounts – over $560 million, plus any
additional amounts to be reserved on account of the LBSF Claim and the LBCC Claim in
connection with future Distributions – that otherwise would become available only after the
disputes with JPMCB are resolved at some unknown future date. This accelerated Distribution
will provide substantial benefit to the creditors of LBHI
and creditors of LBSF and LBCC
holding allowed Guarantee Claims against LBHI.


1. To increase the speed of.
2. To cause to occur sooner than expected.
3. To cause to develop or progress more quickly: a substance used to accelerate a fire.
a. To reduce the time required for (an academic course, for example); compress into a shorter period.
b. To make it possible for (a student) to finish an academic course faster than usual.