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08/22/14 3:17 PM

#21400 RE: Abdullaha7 #21399

Absolutely not, this is money invested into our company which is an asset not liability. We are not borrowing from them they are throwing money at us. We don't need the money we have a 10 million commitment from Sigur already.the LaunchTV spin-off is all based on when Brian and Ms. Tiny decide when the Date of Declaration Date will be. It will all be based on the Number of shares owned and you will need at least 10 million shares to participate or get any shares in the IPO. So as far as I'm concerned its a secret and only people reading this board will understand what it happening.So its actually better if this stock stays low up to that Date of Declaration. This date it will be incredibly important to own 10 million or more shares, and Brain may not give any advanced warning.The Date of Declaration could be today, Monday, a week, a month but for sure soon but its all IMO.