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08/20/14 9:05 PM

#28863 RE: wz9ytp #28861

Benny said Red Giant Media predates Red Giant Entertainment (REDG), but they inspired the name. Also, Isen Robbins and Aimee Schoof are on the board of directors of REDG. There is cross-promotion of each others IP and possible cross-licensing.


08/20/14 10:32 PM

#28870 RE: wz9ytp #28861

some of the earlier movies are strictly produced by red giant media and you will not find Benny Powell's name in the is my understanding that redg will not directly receive money from these films however, for many of them, there are merchandising deals in place etc etc so that redg can make money off of the IP to go along with the film...such as the Blue Caprice novel etc.....each and every IP film is different. There are some of them where I see Benny's name in the credits and I think redg will directly benefit but I'm not certain how much....I would really like to know all of it in black and white how exactly the money flows. also, in some cases where it is strictly red giant media who is producing the film, redg offers its "creative services" which they are paid for...artist work, script writing and what have you......, the ones that you really must pay attention to are the ones where Red Giant Entertainment is listed as the producer...such as Wayward Sons Legends. This means redg stands to make a mighty big buck from these movies if they are successful as well as all the merchandising that goes along with it.

with Journey to Magika, it is my understanding that it was "redone" in English and I think the actual story and animation changed too....there's a whole cluster**** of copyright territory stuff involved I expect...because Campiti had this going in Asia in 2009 (i think David Lawrence, who is now with REDG, was the creator?...). Anyway I think REDG stands to make a lot of money from this if successful. (selling DVDs in TRU for holidays while simultaneously "advertising" it with the GSL story....only my guess.) Coming in 2014... you can see there really isn't a clear cut answer to generalize the whole thing with...each one is different.

but, if I recall correctly, Benny indicated that going forward, REDG will be directly involved in the production of films and all the IPs have to offer from now on.

...all of this is a result of where REDG was as a company when a lot of these movies were getting underway...over the last several years, REDG has been gradually evolving into a full transmedia company and the latter half of 2014 is supposed to be when the metaphorical butterfly emerges from the cocoon.