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08/20/14 1:24 PM

#122271 RE: kennyt 335 #122270

okay, I'm calling up Nas now to make my offer. How much am I suppose to offer? Serious responses only Richme.

Dante Fantasia

08/20/14 3:43 PM

#122288 RE: kennyt 335 #122270

I guess this is one of the things I wonder about. The real money to be made with Elite rests with it's ART portfolio. That's not saying the other generics (including the undisclosed ones) have no value...but say a big player like Pfizer wanted to buyout ELTP because of the ART technology/pipeline, would the other generics be a plus or minus? It may be that Pfizer (or whoever) just wants the ART action and does not want to get into the generic side if effort too high/profit not enough--then do they actually become a liability in selling the company? Would Elite essentially have to sell them as separate packages--the ART's to one suitor and generics to another?

On a related issue, for now it seems, that to get out of this .30 range we've slid into, we need a pop on something more than being one day closer to an ART submission to the FDA. A big generic approval could be such a catalyst for getting one, as well as more fuel for R&D money to get the ART's to the FDA stage more promptly. Delays--no big deal, as happens all the time, and not a signal of good or bad news per product--but if such delays give reason to dilute in the meantime, then it becomes an issue. The black box on those w/NDA's in the works for the generics is frustrating, though understandably, the company can't disclose more.