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08/20/14 10:55 AM

#116057 RE: joseywalestx #116056

Josey, there is a reason: A person putting money into this is either blinded by the potential, just like when you get one of those letters from a Nigerian Prince, or has trouble looking at the facts apart from a technical chart. That person might be believing the positive part of what Chaddie has presented over the past few years while discounting the negative side. You know, the folks that have said "That was yesterday and this is today". As we know, this leopard is not changing spots and yesterday's misrepresentation is the same as today's. Some people cannot sort it out very well.

IF there was something of substance going on a technical chart analysis might be something to talk about, but not here. There is absolutely NOTHING to back up the technicals.


08/20/14 12:57 PM

#116064 RE: joseywalestx #116056

That is a good question Josey!
Like you, I can only guess at the answers.
Perhaps we might come up with a few.

1. Large shareholders either in total denial of reality or simply in so deep that they can't see the forest through the trees. If 0.02s were good, these current prices have to be great!

2. Someone feeling that they have the best of insider information and that they will eventually dance all the way TO-DA-BANK with Chad and the Arkansas boys.

3. A technical swing trader whom is attracted by the HLNT chart showing such a strong ability to stay up out of the trips, until just the last few days. Pretty amazing actually, given the history of pump and circumstance, if you think about it. Almost make a trader believe that there was substance to a good hydrogen story.

4. Some folks will buy anything, don't do any real 'DD' and play these penny markets just as though they were playing slots in a casino. They follow trending, look for week periods of time, and make their play.

5. And let's not forget that there are those whom find the DOD story to be very credible. And I'm not saying that it isn't! But I do believe that there is a long journey between the DOD testing and anything representing shareholder profits. A good pump with some news could help that situation out. But actual OTC reported financials of any significance? That may be a stretch.

Perhaps you or someone else has some other ideas as to why anyone in their right mind or even without a right mind would put money into an HLNT trade. It's a good question and I look forward to see some answers. Thanks for asking.

FEBRUARY 21st, 2014 Lindon Group Inc. and Alternative Hydrogen Solutions, LLC Announce US Army-Funded Testing of Alternative Hydrogen Solution's Hy-Impact System