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08/20/14 1:41 AM

#37289 RE: MethodMan #37287

What's the big surprise? Oren and Chris created the CYBK Holdings LLC together a little more than 2 months ago.

Just a created shell for the "DD" that helped push this to .40 just a short time ago, but like with all promoted share selling schemes, the pps is a slow bleed back down to triple 0s once the promotion is over with. CYBK is a perfect example. Ever since the promotion that pushed this to .40, ever since it has been a slow bleed and eventually it will be in the triple 0s, especially with Matt Dwyer sucking shares for "consulting" and then more for "canceling' the contract. What was it, some $330K owed to Dwyer as convertible debt? Matt will milk this one the same way he has before along with other "companies."
Matt's made a living do that since at least 2003 that I know of.