What purpose would the trees serve today in a fallen world?
Let me ask you another question: What would happen if the tree of life would be available to mankind today?
Yes, I believe the account of Noah is accurate to a point.
I still have a problem trying to understand where did a dove found a freshly plucked olive leaf? The time lapse between the dove's trip returning "empty handed" and returning with an olive leaf was 7 days. Do you believe that an olive tree could develop from the seed stage to an actual plant with leaves in only 7 days?
I still have a problem with whether Noah took a couple of each marine animal.
Still have a problem whether Noah took seeds of each and all plant life on earth.
Still have a problem whether Noah took a couple of each of what we call today "pre historic" animals.
There are other minor details, but generally, yes I do believe in the account of the flood.