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08/19/14 11:13 AM

#7502 RE: duchamp #7501

Takes a long time for HC to fork over a license. Remember, there are only 17 in Canada to date.


08/19/14 11:25 AM

#7503 RE: duchamp #7501

That's unfortunate for you. I definitely have not been saying this since. 16 Since this is fresh information. You might mean I have been touting the positive since .19 not. 16. And what fine qualities do you bring to the table young man?


08/19/14 11:30 AM

#7505 RE: duchamp #7501

youre and abslolute idiot. this guy states all the facts of this company. kosta is bang on the mark (this time :).. its not about MDRM, its about HC right now. but jayzee facts of MDRM are bang on and i wish jayzee would let open up more but i think he cant for some reason or an other.. you have to open your eyes and read between lines bozo. but now i vented, and youre nothing to me now, im done.