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08/19/14 8:36 AM

#177487 RE: StockScout1 #177484

SS. I've done enough DD. I said I wish they used stevia. I hate the taste of Sucralose and in my opinion I'd rather have the stevia made from a plant rather than the sucrose modified with chlorine.

My healthy comment was more directed towards all the preservatives.

I agree with the other post. They could have marketed this and made it with a few more healthier choices. It's an opportunity missed. While the initial 'newness' of the product may turn out well, the longevity of a more natural product marketed well has the staying power. They have the name but the ingredients imply something different. This is the reason why I said a few posts back that thy have to execute. And I think this is an opportunity missed. It's a 'Me too' product. I hope it can run a little but this won't take it to a red bull status IMO.

In addition there may be statements that go against your opinions ( and others). Just because this is the case does not mean DD has not been done. It's a typical tactic to try to minimalist someone who has something against you inorder to present your case. Not needed here. I value your input. Do what you will but don't throw out generic statements of ' this is why DD is needed'


08/19/14 9:50 AM

#177497 RE: StockScout1 #177484

Sucralose is chemically engineered. it starts off as a sugar molecule but that is where it ends. Like aspartame it is made with chlorine. And if that is any indication is most likely a carcinogen, much like aspartame.

The FDA has only done tests on Sucralose with 32 patients. The rest were on animals which pushes it over 100. The testing was done for a matter of days, not weeks, months or even years. Not very conclusive testing.

Stevia is all natural.