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08/20/14 1:08 AM

#5373 RE: bilboo #5352

Dear Bilboo,

Sorry for the late reply.

I took BO's advice and had myself a lay down. Chilled out so to speak.

Alas like a moth drawn to the light I find myself coming back to the blog for one more hit. The moth isn't just drawn to the light it actually crashes into it. Sound Familiar?

Unfortunately I am not able to access the reply brief. I can only assume it would make for an interesting read?

I'll take it as a compliment that your interested to know my opinion. Unfortunately I don't have a legal background but do have experience from a professional point of view of fighting a litigation matter lasting 2.5 years resulting in my firm and our opponent spending a considerable amount of time and money with the only winner being the lawyers. The difference at this time is that Mr Bright and his company have had to stump up the costs thus far.

Will we ever know what was contained within the "non-public of six pages"?

I am impressed with what I perceive your overall level of support and confidence in SmartMetric and especially Ms Hendrick to be. I share your enthusiasm.

Whilst I've had the good fortune to communicate directly with several key people within the company including Ms Hendrick I have not at this point in time physically seen any products.

I remain resolute in my belief that once funding is secured that products will follow sooner rather than later.

Time is money.......... The longer it takes to finalize funding the longer it will take for products to be released. Funding from private investors will only take matters so far.

Judging by your posts it sounds like you know a bunch of people closely associated with the inner workings of the company and the progress they are making? Furthermore you appear to be well versed on other aspects of the activities by those who have had an adverse effect on SmartMetric in recent times who have flailed the company keen to see it fail.

Many investors have and continue to feel aggrieved with the lack of information which flows through in relation to funding and product release myself included regardless of the repeated assurances I've received.

Right or wrong / stupid or smart I have placed a great deal of money along with a large dollop of faith and trust in management in the hope that funding will successfully be secured and that product release will follow.

When it came to the legal battle, whilst hopeful of a positive outcome against 2 monoliths of the credit card world where yes I invested further funds I was not foolish enough (some people would disagree) that the decision could very well have gone against us which we know it did. At least against Visa and MasterCard.

I'm sure there remains some twists and turns which are yet to unfold concerning legal battles against parties not yet mentioned. We shall have to wait and see. Given the time and costs associated thus far by Mr Bright and his firm I would assume this matter is far from concluded and serious consideration shall be given to where matters proceed once we have all had the benefit of reviewing the ruling from the Appeals court.

The focus and attention right now will be on funding and product release. How many times does this point need to be made.

Speculation is the name of the game after all..............

My advice to those making the decisions would be to do what is needed to be done to secure the final tranche of funding required. Until this aspect of negotiations are completed then every PR released will fall on deaf ears and be savaged by loyal investors and skeptics alike.

Then if a product does exist get it produced (with the funding secured)and released and then start talking about what we have and what it can do. To this end I'm confident these steps are well in train and only the uninformed amongst us are ignore to the facts myself included.

The reality is that whilst there are many of us who have invested various amounts that individually we are small fry. (I do hope to be corrected here). What counts now are those institutions which have the funds required willing to invest in the company.

It was unfortunate that funding was not secured prior to the hearing to enable a meaningful communique to the market which would have softened the fall on the back of an adverse ruling against SmartMetric.

As things stand at the present time there are many(Mr Market included) who continue to savage the company by claiming no products and a loss in the legal battle. It is difficult for SmartMetric to rebuff the criticism as they have very little to back up and support their claims.

This company has nothing it's a fake etc etc........... so the comments are made and the market swallows it up. Why wouldn't they?

In the whole scheme of things several more months it could be argued is a small amount of time to wait for release of a product compared to the the previous 10 years.

I suppose this point is debatable?

I am not angry or sad - The facts speak for themselves.

As an investor in Smartmetric for the past 7 years having accrued 2.7 million shares and having invested a large amount of money I am substantially in the red given a share price of 7 cents. I have no one else to blame but myself for my investment decisions.

I have a deep down desire to change the lives of family and friends. I want to donate to charities and help those people far less fortunate than me.

The desire to help others is paramount where my decision to invest in SmartMetric manifested itself some 7 years ago and my decision to continue investing. I want to make a positive difference to those people worse off than me and Randy.

I hope I get the chance.

Given what many of us don't know and how many of us are feeling underwhelmed at this time I would request for SmartMetric's next post to be the most dynamic and meaningful Press Release yet to be released in relation to the successful acquisition of necessary funds and a realistic date of product release.

Anything else is worthless................................

I would encourage those responsible to refrain from releasing any PR unless it contains meaningful and timely information.


Ps: As frustrated and concerned as I am about my future and my family's future and that of SmartMetric I don't have a choice but to remain resolute in my belief that SmartMetric will succeed with releasing products in the not too distant future and that I will succeed with sharing my good fortune with loved ones and those far less fortune than I.

Whilst the point has been debated in recent days with some strange remarks,it may prove beneficial if the management of SmartMetric were to seriously consider conducting an investor forum (similar to the one conducted 2 or so years ago)to enable investors to hear first hand from management and to address the issues which matter most. Management would know and understand that any investor forum would not be treated by those investors willing to attend or tune in as a place to vent their spleen but importantly to hear from the President and CEO about the true state of where the company is going and how it intends to get there.

I wish SmartMetric and my fellow investors the very best of luck.