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Steve Rogers 1945

08/18/14 3:05 PM

#5722 RE: Investorhm #5720

True. I guess the only person on this board who has any clue to how Git-R-Done-Energy is selling is Lux. I'm not sure but if he orders again tomorrow will that be six pallets of product in five weeks? He doesn't share business details which I don't blame him, but he is all we have when it come to how well the shot is selling. And from that how much product is being produced.


08/18/14 8:38 PM

#5735 RE: Investorhm #5720

I couldn't agree MORE! Totally different opportunity for both Git-R-Done and the Hangover shot. Including the way in which HJOE is cleaning house in every way. Not much more to add to Investorhm as he certainly has brought out the most important attributes that should be the focus of this stock both now concerning current production numbers and in the future with hard sales facts.