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08/18/14 12:17 AM

#16217 RE: Profit #16216

You have made the most important point about this whole deal.The finance was done prior to the R/S and there shares were also R/S (subsequent) is the wording.

If one looks at what occured on the last R/S the pps appericated from .025 cent to .05 cents and as high as .18 cents.Thats a 7x increase to the top.

Yes it went down.The decline continued for many reason.Look at the past history of events that occured.Blech/ Pfizers failed trial the the last knife to the back was the breach by Pfizer.

I don't like this in anyway.I wanted the moon and ended up crash landing on earth.

Anyone new if one of the 3 trials are positive or at some point the ligation is resolved they win and win big and that pisses me off cause we the old holders may get even or make a little these people will get the real rewards for little to no work.

Life is a mother!