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08/17/14 5:02 PM

#172893 RE: DrSteven #172892

Who's Dixie Botanicals top one or two competitors if any?


08/17/14 5:18 PM

#172894 RE: DrSteven #172892

Would rather have sixty percent of RDH

Prior to the massive screw-up by MJNA, it owned 60% of Red Dice Holdings, which owned the brands and formulations of ALL the Dixie products, including both the Elixirs and Botanicals.

Sure, they weren't making any money off of the DE (Dixie Elixirs) brand, and wouldn't until marijuana was federally legal, but as DE began to grow by leaps and bounds, tremendously outstripping the growth of Dixie Botanicals CBD-only products, with eventual legality, and a public offering by Dixie, MJNA would likely have made a lot of money as a shareholder in the IPO.

Now, because of its ongoing issues with corporate governance, MJNA has lost that investment, and all it has left is the Dixie Botanicals tinctures and salves, which compete directly with CannaVest's Cibdex line.

That might be a small consolation, except that for the past year, HempMedsPX has been promoting Cibdex as the best CBD-only tinctures and salves.

So I would much rather have 60% of RDH in partnership with Dixie Holdings than 100% of RDH with only Dixie Botanicals in its stable of products.

Oh, and if marijuana does become legalized, then MJNA will take a double hit:

1) No marijuana-based infrastructure or products

2) Any hemp-based CBD it sells will have to compete with far cheaper CBD from marijuana/hemp strains like Charlotte's Web and R4.