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08/16/14 7:14 PM

#31846 RE: apidomia #31845

Shareholders bought the stock based on the things management stated. After they were shut down - management said they had to give back all the assets because they could not pay for them ( and of course it was to Searchlight Exploration and the other pals and associates who they ?borrowed? money from and gave stock to )
Typical story for this whole group

Same as FFGO! poof .. like magic .. went the assets - share holders burned - FFGO never heard from since because they were revoked in 2010

HGLC is gone forever and will never be heard from again

same as
FFGO gone forever!!

Sorry to say - if you owned HGLC or FFGO

your money is gone forever!!


08/16/14 7:18 PM

#31847 RE: apidomia #31845

start reading here about the penny stock scam world\