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08/16/14 3:29 PM

#94077 RE: hokus pokus #94076

Thank you HP for saying what I have been trying to say for weeks but was not very successful in getting my point across. You elequence nailed it would seem for even the most serious of doubters! Again you are right....can PHOT stay at the table? Marco has said the right things and seems to understand where the MJ industry is going. Only time will tell. Great post. Thanks again.


08/17/14 7:10 PM

#94079 RE: hokus pokus #94076

I remember staying up late in November 2012 to watch the election results. It scrolled and they announced the legalization of MJ in Colorado.

The next day a certain stock loosely related to the MJ sector ran from dimes to 100's of dollars. I was like, why didn't I think of that?

Then came a surge in all stocks claiming to be in the MJ sector. And subsequently since then, several little rallies have happened.

Companies with little more than a claimed affiliation to MJ became worth 100's of millions. Unfortunately, the companies had little more than a dream to reach those valuations. And many in the sector fell just as hard as they went up.

CEO's became filthy rich Rock Stars on paper. PHOT at least had a business.

The sector has matured in that it will take more than just mentioning MJ in a PR to substantiate any real growth. Sure the penny players will drive momo from time to time, but long term will require some revs.

Now that the bubble has burst and PHOT is on the greys. They have little choice but to get back on track and revamp the business. PRs may not get it done to sell shares and pay the bills anymore. The SEC is suspending otc's and putting them on the lowest tier gray market. Promoters are being run out of town and even arrested.

I commend the MJ enthusiast's who have become scientists over the last several decades. Genetically refining an already hardy plant and making it moreso. Developing strains that are extremely tolerant as well as, condensing the medicinal properties, while even making them easier and more forgiving to produce great product. Nutrient companies developing easy to follow nutrient regimens for healthy yields of the highest qualities. A grower is just a grower using other peoples supplied ingenuity to make dollars. And a supplier supplies other peoples researched and developed products for a margin. PHOT may be considered a "pioneer" of sorts, but, are they on the forefront leading the industry? Do they have a must have?

I don't think they are there yet. The infrastructure is the same as it was. Can someone share any noticeable progress they have made in the industry? Will they find a niche and exploit it to any great degree to become noticeable among the competition?

I suppose all investor hope is on the new management. That's cool. Lots going against this one right now.

Just my opinion and best of luck.