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08/15/14 4:19 PM

#16141 RE: qotsa55 #16140 had me laughing on that one. Yea, investors did not like Maza's PR's. I really did not learn anything new in the PR's except some investors got scalped & gutted, and we will see dilution and possible R/S. General Maza is 0-2 out of the starting gate as the freshly minted CEO. I guess he is doing what has to be done to right the ILNS ship. I know in the past several months, we had several 10M blocks go through. I wonder how they are feeling? :)~


08/15/14 4:38 PM

#16142 RE: qotsa55 #16140

How can it get any worse.Most have lost 99% of there money.

If this continues into the future I don't see him lasting in that position/title.I'm willing to bet he will set a genius book record as the CEO that lasted the shortest time frame for any company in the world!

Like I said I sent Maza a email when it was announced job well done.I'm sure he thought it was a praise.

When you can completely bankrupty everyone without filing a bankruptcy petition you pulled it off beyond ones wildest dream.Bet your butt he has lost nothing and back on the fat payday wagon again.

All this time people backed this company and waited and this is what we got.

Yeah you had to get funding if not the real picture would have been Bankruptcy.That part I understand.The wipeout occured but to not have a plain after you made the deal to drive up support tells me they really don't know how to operate a real business.

That would have been apart of the agreement before I signed it.If you going to destroy over 16 million of my money we going to see some serious action upwards to pull the world of people into this or at least catch alot of eyes.

IMHO they done the opposite.Dumber then a box of rocks!


08/15/14 5:10 PM

#16149 RE: qotsa55 #16140

Nothing has changed if anything gotten little better don't know why your so skeptical guess not. A buy out so according to u stick a fork in us were done I'm gonna buy more at these low prices only 3 months till end points