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08/17/14 12:28 AM

#107624 RE: vincen71 #107617

Thanks for the post very informitive !! I placed it as a sticky


08/17/14 5:05 PM

#107627 RE: vincen71 #107617

(Possibly)"first 1trillion company"..."market cap is $587 billion"(double)! :^)


08/19/14 1:10 AM

#107652 RE: vincen71 #107617

Just bought into Apple the other day, couldn't resist the pps rising very quickly due to the upcoming iPhone 6 product release. The world's 1st trillion dollar company? Very possible. Only things that could stop this juggernaut from hitting that extraordinary landmark in corporate history is another market crash or a massive slowdown in consumer Apple product spending, and I don't see either happening for some time.

Other than that, all systems are go for them to make history.

AAPL is an excellent long term growth stock, which is why I'm really here.