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08/15/14 3:31 PM

#10084 RE: blueblizzy #10082

Very good point...

but if ANY has a chip manufacturer producing them WHERE IS THE NEWS RELEASE stating so?? This is starting to be quite comical regarding what if scenarios by both ANY and XXII.


08/15/14 8:15 PM

#10110 RE: blueblizzy #10082

1) I defer to your superior IT knowledge regarding the discussion of integration and what it might mean and greatly appreciate the light you have shed in this regard over several posts...

2) Just to be clear... I did not suggest that the glassware chip is commercialized already as I do not believe this would be a realistic timeline... the glassware chip is coming... we know that... but I would be shocked if it is already available... pleasantly shocked, but shocked nonetheless...

3) to build on your point that PB appears to point toward HTML5 as the form of glassware "integration" currently being utilized with Chromebook and that this in a sense is the most primitive or perhaps least "integrative" form of integration... if I may be permitted to butcher the language thus... I do get what you are saying here and will modify my understanding accordingly...

4) I am actually thrilled with the least integrative form of integration being connected to Chromebook and thus being connected to Google... this is just the beginning... so a relatively primitive solution at the dawn of this paradigm shift seems about right to me... that glassware continues to get mentioned in context with making Chromebook better is the central point for me... if Google in fact already knows Sphere 3D technology in this context then the future should be fun...

5) I loved the comments following the article which essentially continue to trash Chromebook... they are clearly comments made in the context of the old paradigm... full disclosure... I do not own a Chromebook... I remain stuck in the old paradigm... I want my "real" computing system and am currently willing to live with its flaws... and there are plenty of us dinosaurs... but I have awoke to what Google is trying to do with Chromebook... it is telling to me that Dell has also (and I have owned several Dell computers both desktop and laptop)... Chromebook is without question flawed and limited in some critical ways... but it is also the future... the cloud is driving to become ubiquitous and as it does my need for having my own computer with its own hard drives and RAM and such will become antiquated... I may still hang on to it, just as I hang on to paper books in an age when electronic equivalents are cheaper, less cumbersome and require much less storage... but again I am a dinosaur... but not a blind dinosaur... I can see the new paradigm and my Dell laptop is not it... the Dell/Google Chromebook may very well be... Chesterfield County Public Schools did a lot of due diligence before selecting Chromebook... I read their decision paper... they were thorough...

6) The glassware chip is on the way... and with it glassware may have the opportunity to become ubiquitous... making many products better... much as BASF has done with chemical solutions... all the competitors may need it just to compete... all the users in the new paradigm may clamor for it... may, may, may, if, if, if... speculation to be sure... but then again this is a speculative stock... so it is rather pointless to be here if you really aren't interested in speculating...

7) The question for me ultimately becomes quite simple... is glassware disruptive or not... to be or not to be... this is the question... to me the idea that even in its most primitive form of integration glassware may already be on the verge of becoming a standard augmentation of Chromebook suggests that it might indeed be disruptive... what is the nature of Sphere 3d's relationship to Google, Novarad, Dell, Ericsson and so on... not sure yet... but there is one... and that is a pretty good beginning for a small Canadian company that the shorts want us to believe is the keeper of a worthless technology...

my two cents... and remember... two cents don't buy what it used to... actually it don't buy nothin' ;-)