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08/16/14 6:16 PM

#39836 RE: 1gumbi #39834

Gumbi, I rarely give financial advice and never relationship advice. You have long known what the score is with gpsi but as you stated, the reality of it all became apparent after you were in. Same with me but I decided to get out when the getting was less painful. Yes I could have been wrong and watched gpsi soar after a rosy financial release.

BUT, that scenario is truly pie-in-the-sky and highly unlikely. Miracles happen but they are rare. The hodges behavior has been a good example of shysters scamming people. That doesn't mean that regular people can't make a buck off it, but believing the hodges and it's vocal supporters is not an intelligent way to go about it. Eyes wide open, holding your nose, and be ready to loose everything or get out when you figure you have made some decent coin.

Certain regular posters here have played the flip with this thing very effectively and in my opinion would like to again But in my opinion, this has mostly run it's course and flipping opportunities are VERY limited. Maybe a year ago bell made a post in saying that investors/gamblers here will likely be holding substantial amount of shares and have no one to sell to. Not a word for word quote but the gist of his/her post. At any rate I think that time has come and those holding "share certificates" might as well paper the wall or put it in the "throne room". More value that way.

Have a good weekend.