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08/14/14 3:28 PM

#29406 RE: rayla1961 #29405

I'm thinking I should take some time off from this company. I haven't been able to make money from it since 2011. I can't make money off of it unless the share price goes up.

The company has been releases rumors (entertainment news) of projects, before the quarterly reports comes out, then nothing for months. I doubt we will hear much until October (NYCC), Then nothing until Comikaze expo. I don't expect any really interesting news to come out until December/January (new first look deal, and "Zodiac).

Since POW! is sponsoring the Geekie Awards, they don't seem concerned with spending money. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not.

We don't know what will happen to the Disney shares (or the Lieberman Estate shares, for that matter).

Without clear information on the future of this company, I find it hard to keep justifying the amount of time I put into it.