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08/13/14 7:57 PM

#43329 RE: Crow3 #43328


All the flies were sent packing at Cdex Inc, back in August of 2010.

And I have zero doubt that looking from Georgia into the Cdex office or the Cdex lab is an absolute impossibility.

For a post to read: "Not to CDEX, where nothing at all is happening.. " Says volumes as to just what is believable and what is not.

But wait, I have it, tomorrows headlines for the post of the week:

Have you noticed the imaginary increase in volume and stock price in Cdex??? lol

Exactly what huge pumped up press release came out that made the volume and stock price rise? Say what!!!!! You mean there was NOT one........... no way........... say it ain't

Hum, does one really believe there is "nothing" going on at Cdex? Really?