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08/10/14 5:45 PM

#15473 RE: spacecowboy045 #15472

This is going to come off like I do not like sltd but, I happen to love this company. The dilution on July 29th and the recent pump action from Money Runners as well as the SEC taking legal action against Money Runners, SLTD will continue to go lower. Just like any run. Look previously when it ran from .04 level to .16, it consolidated between .06-.075. This major support level was 15 and when that fell the next support level is 145 but it isnt as strong as 15. Runs on the OTC just don't plateau at the top. Look recently at AMBS, got alot of attention, ran to .195 and is now consolidating at .1. I think the exact same action will come of SLTD, it had its run, then had a pump, people were attracted to the movement, hopped on. With the low volume, people will be getting out seeing as the trend will begin to reverse. This will flatten out at .1-.11 in my honest opinion. Again not bad mouthing Solar3d, the longs are long, and this surge potentially attracted more longs, but the pumpers and the chart readers will take their profits, and this will eventually settle until the next major news breaks. This still is a phenomenal long stock and this post shouldnt deter you from holding or entering SLTD, their technology is phenomenal, their business plan is superb, they have a big backlog which indicates future growth, and they have finalized their 3d high efficiency solar panel, which makes them attractive for partnerships/ acquisitions. Just my own opinion based off alot of experience with dilution, otc runs and pumpers, this needs to find a place to plateau and seeing as it just ended the run, it isnt going to settle at 15, nor 14, but lower, .092 might be the new low and settle around .11 based off supports prior to the pump.
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Tommy John Surgery

08/10/14 7:04 PM

#15477 RE: spacecowboy045 #15472

I would hardly call a 7% drop horrible. It was a down day, but let's consider we were up huge from July 24 and we still have room to settle without giving the majority of gains back. I don't think we will drop too much further between now and August 20 or 21 when I expect a significant announcement. Between now and then, without any news, we may drift lower to .14 or even .13, but we will be able to stabilize and establish a floor for sure in this range and if we get news then I can see a run to .25 in the cards.