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12/19/15 3:45 PM

#33331 RE: Rich #33269

Bro Jesus Christ is coming to town -


The Government Would Like You To: Shut Up and Die!
Seriously. Unless you have $500 to blow on a speculative emergency
item, you should die.

Note that the purchase is speculative because (1) the drug expires, and
(2) you don’t know if you’ll need it. But if you do need it, and
don’t have it, you’re fucked.

Now here’s the ball-buster: These pens were $18 a year ago.
They now average over $450!

Most people (even the very poor) can scrounge up $18 for a speculative
purchase such as this, especially when it might save their life if they
need it.
Yes, it’s low odds you will need it but if you need one of these you
need it now, not in a few minutes or hours.

So how did this happen? The drug in these things is not on patent, but
our system of government has made it possible for a handful of
manufacturers to form an effective monopoly and then raise the price
by 2,500% — 25 times what it used to cost just a year ago.


Cruz is married to an ex-Goldman Sachs exec. Just saying.

Rand's problem is that he tried to play the politics game with the
Republicans...he got a long to get a long. But he lost political
currency among Libertarians by doing that. And why he's pro-GMO foods
is a real head scratcher.

Trump is getting the votes because he's seen as an outsider, whereas
Paul is more of an insider.

If only Trump would come out and announce he wants to end the Fed and
the Gestapo IRS.
by Montanore - thank you for the opinion :-)


Trump: Reality - Fox News Poll: Trump jumps, Cruz climbs, Carson sinks in GOP race -

It will soon be here also - the muslim brotherhood leaders are here and want to bring 1000s more to US and Canada a.s.a.p. -

God Bless