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08/08/14 1:24 AM

#226743 RE: fuagf #226737

Would some kind-hearted amicus humani generis please suggest ways of helping first the Kurds of Sincar (Sinjar), Iraq and then the other Kurds?

Thanks to the White House, airdrops are taking place, but because we are getting 100000 children asylum seekers from south of the border, may I propose releasing 100000 Americans to voluntarily migrate to Irbil or Hawler in Iraq Kurdistan Governate?

I want to be the first to go.

We could hitch a ride on an Air Force airplane going there anyway.

They love us and we must show our love back to them.

All other nations including China, India, Russia, Turkey and Syria are encouraged to give of their conversation, culture and compassion to the Kurds. Live there. Migrate.

May I add it is safe:

I call it the league of love. It should turn out better than Gallipoli, fuagf. And thank you for your thoughtful postings.



08/08/14 2:02 AM

#226745 RE: fuagf #226737

fuagf -- "convoys", eh? -- we might not relatively easily/neatly be able to cut down their fighters en masse -- but we certainly could readily relieve them of a buncha their (captured) equipment, re-balance things a bit on that level (which [captured] equipment has been reported, including this past evening ['the Kurds, the Peshmerga, are regarded as the better fighters, but they don't have the punch that ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State have'], as having been at least very significant if not just flatly decisive in the Kurds' decisions thus far to fall back toward Erbil/Irbil rather than to stand and engage, which in turn have directly led to the present folks on the mountain situation)