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08/07/14 3:36 PM

#92768 RE: StockFOXXX #92765

Can't believe it lasted this long


08/07/14 4:43 PM

#92772 RE: StockFOXXX #92765

Lol! Nice try! That's HORRIBLE and not even close to based on reality! "Not selling products=no news"???? HAHAHAHA, that's not even close to what was said, or true. Oh man, sooooooo bad....only in penny land does the thought process exist a successful company still in the start-up timeframe needs to release news every week to 'show' they're successful. So bad, I can't get over it. I think the fact the cut a deal with Walgreens in their first year says enough, and there's plenty more to say. Wow, just bad.

Oh, btw, try this equation:

Just getting started=already in the black.

Wait, no, that's not right, this one:

Already in the black=not even reported quarter when live on

Wait wait, no, this:

Releasing product with major MMJ company with no overhead=free money

Bottom line, the only thing that is actually accurate is we will see bad assessments like this one until this comes to fullness, which isn't the stage a re-start should even be in yet, so there's time to go, lol. Gosh, I wonder why the other element for this is patience, and how many languages I can say 'who cares at this stage about the PPS.'

Hmm, I also wonder why over 150 million is locked up and not being dumped by investors who know how businesses grow...? Oh, that's right, bc they all know better than "no products sold=no news" lol.