Did Edison do all of his experiments using other people's hard earned money? Did he broadcast about how trustworthy he was? How transparent he was all the while not telling the full truth about things? Did he solicit others for money to pay for back debt when he knew he wasn't going to fulfill his promises? Ya know the whole rob peter to pay paul scenario?
I have no issue with someone trying to make a company work...even after 8 years but I do have a problem with someone who does it using other people's money, taking that money while making promises that were NEVER made good on and in fact... stabbing them with an r/s he said would never happen unless it was for the good of everyone which history shows he NEVER did any of the things he said he would ...never even filed the paperwork to do it and in fact screwed them all over ROYALLY.
Don't ever compare this ceo with anyone who does things on their own and in a ethical manner because there is absolutely no comparison. To say I am deeply disappointed in your trying to defend this man is putting it very lightly...especially given you have been around all of this time and KNOW FOR A FACT what he has done.
"Yes Eric has tried lots of ways to sell his products. Here's to the one that works. Nose to the grind stone."
I wouldn't exactly call a 45% decline in sales as working. Sounds more like another failure. What he needs is a sales team but the one he had got fed up with his nonsense and quit on him. Eric's idea of getting sales is cleaning park benches,mail boxes and oil soaked ducks and posting pictures of them. Quack Quack..