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08/06/14 5:52 AM

#185483 RE: Frustrated #185468

I think PPHM management has proven to do an excellent job.

Sadly, one needs to study the history of pphm to learn all the facts. Unfortunately history is known to repeat itself especially if one doesn't learn from the mistakes of the past. Lets hope at least mgmt learns from their past as we surely know their have been lots of mistakes. All imo.

With the salvaging of the 2nd ln NSCLC Clinical Trial after the 3rd party sabotage (by CRO employee JB at CSM, Fargo, ND) BoD/Management has proven to be up to the task. What they did there, certainly in the pecuniary financial situation they were pushed in, was a power move.

They had there loan retracted in two days after the 21th Sept 2012, they saw a share price drop in a few hours to about 0.60$ and still they got the clinical trial approved to start a PIII and got a Fast Track from the FDA on top of it. That is managements credit, nobody else's.

And apparently they learned other things from the past. The saw what a LOAN can do to you if the banker panics or at purpose (motivated by other incentives) retracts its loan.

So now suddenly we THANK our current situation, which is the best PPHM has ever been in, to that much hated ATM. If it wasn't for the ATM we wouldn't have been here any more. Well at least not as the independent PPHM.

But lets take it one step further. PPHM's BoD, had the poison pill installed. And we may all kiss both hands that we had it. What would you think would have happened if the pps dropped to 0.60$, companies like AbbVie that where sitting at the table with PPHM knew VERY WELL what we had, the loan was retracted and there would have been NO poison pill. With only about 100 milj outstanding shares?

Let me tell you: Most of you would have had a dollar or maybe two and would have been VERY HAPPY with it given the situation and a BP would own us now for breadcrumbs, because 100 or 200 Milj is POCKET MONEY to get control over the Bavi IP and Pipeline. We would have been bag-holders, plain and simple.

So here again that much criticized poison pill, in combination with the existence of the ATM and a readily available shelf of common stock in sufficient amounts saved us. Good management even if this was part of a contingency plan and even if they had to ATM the shares at a low pps given the circumstances. That was SURVIVAL from a DELIBERATE ACTION OF SABOTAGE on our MOST IMPORTANT clinical trial.

I think there is no better example of good management then the special offering of PPHMP. People pay 3$ per share for 10.5% interest yearly while PPHM shares are for sale at 1.60$ on the open market. Yet, for some reason they sold them out in a blink of the eye.

So every time PPHM sells such a PPHMP share at 3$ there is 3$-1.60$=1.40$ flowing in the value of the outstanding common shares. We have about 80Milj on the bank in cash and No bankers, no loan terms, much hinger cash posibilities (5Milj x 25$ or 125 Milj$ potential versus 2x10milj or 2x15milj typical banking loans with terms and poison pill disabling and PAY-BACK of capital on TOP of 7.5% interest and goodies for the banker). Good management.

And today PPHM has 123 international treatment centres recruiting for their PIII Lung Cancer trial. And they negotiated 2 interim look-ins and early trial stop through installation of the data monitoring committee. Good management, they get grip and control on their business.

And I am not even going into what they did with Avid Biosciences, a 20Milj$/yearly business now with a 50+% gross margin and extending. That is the result of VISION (and more specifically of SK's vision). Avid is a strategic tool in running our PPHM clinical trials without dependencies, and as we know now without sabotage risk of Bavi production itself, and on top of that brings in 3rd party cash. How many small cap biotechnology companies do we know that have such income and such means to reduce their research cost?

So yes, BoD/Management seems to learn well from the past and I am happy that they are there. The pps appreciating is only a matter of time. We know small stocks are played, controlled and manipulated, and that is no different for PPHM. Just see the recent article in which Adam Feuerstein is mentioned and then think about the articles that that same person wrote about PPHM. Think about the public calls on Twitter by Patrick Crutcher to short PPHM to death. Think how Bavi has been called a placebo, management been accused from cherry picking clinical trial results and SK even been call part of a hoax in clinical trials.

Yes, all that weights on a stock but only so long. And why do I think it is about to change :) ?