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08/05/14 9:37 PM

#18352 RE: ahimsak #18347

you could be right


08/06/14 11:46 AM

#18357 RE: ahimsak #18347

I'm not good at predicting short term moves in the market (in fact I'm lousy at it). So, I don't try. But it seems to me that going long at this juncture is ver-dy dan-jur-us.

Much was being made on Bloomberg radio this AM about the trade deficits coming in below expectations at $41.5Billion for the latest reporting month (supposedly due to the US new sources of energy). BUT that $41.5 Billion annualized is $500Billion and we've been running $500Billion annual trade deficits for many, many years. So, regardless of the positive spin, the trade debt just keeps escalating just like the national debt. At some point it hits the fan. But not until the Fed has to deal with a financial crisis that overwhelms them.