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08/04/14 1:23 PM

#18917 RE: Guts #18913

Guts, now it looks like Q3 will be $12M+ vs. a Q2 of $5.2M. I agree the p/s will be more reflective as they string together successive months and quarters of increased revenues.
Maybe the 10Q due 8/15 or 8/30 if filed late will indicate they are cash flow positive as of 6/30 when Q2 ended. Conservatively speaking, if they earn roughly 30% profit from the revenues, I think they are already profitable. I do not know.
Anyway, one month down and 2 to go in Q3. July revenues of $4.1M gets us off to a fast start for a strong Q3. Like other longs, I'm expecting the p/s to catch up to the vastly improving fundamentals. Thanks.


08/04/14 9:59 PM

#18944 RE: Guts #18913

What other penny stock posts $4.09 in monthly revenues?

Easy. PAWS. It is not only a penny stock but it is an almost exact comp to SCRC. Both companies recently changed their business models during Q1'14 to focus on compounding pharmacies. PAWS is already at a $100M/annum revenue run rate for its compounding pharmacy but its sp continues to flounder at around .05. How could this be???? A $100M annual run rate and the sp is at .05??? Glad you had the guts to ask: The answer is the same answer that explains the disconnect that most penny stocks experience between company success and shareholder success -- DILUTION.

The price action over the past year has been no mystery. There are no manipulators of the sp. No boogey-man shorts. All this is a smokescreen concocted by the diluters themselves to misdirect attention away from themselves. It is simple math: If you have too many mouths to feed, everyone ends up with an increasingly smaller slice of the pie. It really is that simple.

The pps will take care of itself.

Ths sp has taken care of itself. Unfortunately, JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and the other holders of the 0.00 shares who are also the holders of the .05 PIPE shares have "taken care of the sp" by dumping into the float. No penny stock can withstand such simultaneous flushing. Even Drano couldn't have prevented the resulting sewage from leaking thru the SCRC house.