I'll start by saying welcome to the board. And stress first; in evaluating any stock, technically or fundamentally you need to keep a neutral mindset. Second; keep things basic, simple and clean.
From your post I'm getting the feeling you want more and you've spent countless hours researching and following the stock tic by tic. This says you don't have a neutral mind and your too deep into the stock mentally, clouding your mindset.
What I'm trying to say is, ones goal, playing the OTC games is to find the next one to play, not predict the next move of the one played. Looking for more is fine, but not for any prolonged time, looking for reasons you should get more! Though the damn thing on watch, after a run and re-enter if resistance is broken again. It's that basic, simple, & clean. You have the tools now and understand what to look for, but your using this knowledge for the wrong purpose. IMO When one looks for a positive, long and hard enough, they usually talk themselves into they found it.
Basic, simple and clean; Don't fall in love on the OTC, it's wam bam thank you on the OTC. On to the next one. Fine, if you bump into an old flame weeks later, but don't hang at a club waiting for seconds.
A few TIPs about the main points in your post.
1. Don't compare penny, sub, or micro charts of 1 company with another. Each company management works under different wants, needs and goals. NYBD vs. DEWM is a waste of time. IMO History only repeats with un-manipulated stocks.
2. Watching stock price tic by tic and Market Makers action is probably the #1 way to become distracted, confused and have a distorted view of what will happening to the stock future price action.
You said it;
NYBD had it's darkside funding deals with the 1 bil dilution debit conversions and had it's run due to them. IMO find the next one. Place a mental buy at .0013 resistance break on increasing volume and check daily for a week or two. Then weekly after.
Ps; Humm this is the 7th time I've seen Asher sell out of an OTC company. ??? And the OTC action lately has been boring for months. Something new after years trading. Wish I was a fly on the wall at VC firms meetings. Seems VC's have completely lost the desire or need to fleece the herd. Humm ???
Thanks for the question. You've obviously learned the game well. Learning how to play takes a little more time and discipline. Just like learning to take profits when they present becomes a difficult habit to break, moving on is hard also.