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08/01/14 12:04 PM

#32514 RE: spshond #32512

I never understood the hatred for mci* on this board.

They are literally two completely different companies.

There was a time when a lot of people, myself included, were making money with BOTH tickers.

There is a laundry list of differences between the two of them. I don't understand why people continue to compare.

From products, to advertisement, to stores, to management, to share structure, to filings, everything about the two of them are different except maybe one thing. The both sell a "type" of vaporizer.

But if that's the case, why doesn't anyone ever compare VPOR to (VPC*, VAP3, EC!G, VAP0) I'm sure i'm missing some.

Why is it always mCig? Is it because of their PPS? Because other vape companies have decent PPS that VPOR can aspire to..

MuRk MoNsT3R

08/01/14 2:11 PM

#32519 RE: spshond #32512

Do u have a twitter handle ?