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07/31/14 11:50 PM

#37618 RE: MD-420 #37617

agreed, the qtr report is just another legit feather in Pauls cap. many many more to come imo and thats just in the next couple months


08/01/14 3:31 AM

#37626 RE: MD-420 #37617

Yeah this may be so MD, but what I have come to see is that many are not being swayed by holding the MCIG shares for the divy. We are holding, most of us here on this board, but in reality there are those that are just playing and making off of every bump (positive news)and then dumping next day causing the price to drop. It is a cycle that some are playing that could care less about the divy. I believe that some of us would be doing this too, and for that matter maybe a few of us have the balls to do it, but most like myself are afraid that they are going to miss out on the divy.

Well we all have had many chances now to do this, as the length of time now that this divy has taken has presented many opportunities to flip if one chooses to do so. Speaking for myself I have been too chicken to capitalize on this for fear of missing out, but I guess I can't blame those who have the balls to do so. Part of me hates this and part of me says "more power to ya if you can pull it off". I just know that I have tried this swing play stuff before and it has bit me in the ass hard. So what do you do? Well if you have more dry powder you take advantage of this and gather more shares on the cheap, however I believe most of us here cannot do this, as we are already all in, at least I am anyways.

Good luck to those that are playing this.... Oh and I hope it bites you in the ass hard too! I just had to say that.


08/01/14 6:53 AM

#37631 RE: MD-420 #37617

Whole market is beat beat beat up. I expect a down day again.