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07/31/14 6:55 PM

#34424 RE: Lil Bucs Matelot #34423

there IS the standard 80/20 split,i don't dispute it but cant sell artifacts at this time...fact!


07/31/14 7:07 PM

#34426 RE: Lil Bucs Matelot #34423

Howdy mate...

The facts are irrelevant to some



07/31/14 10:23 PM

#34442 RE: Lil Bucs Matelot #34423

I'll go a step further

O well, at some point saying facts repeatedly becomes pointless I suppose

Claiming to have all the facts all the time and being proven wrong all the time would give a normal person cause to think for a second.

Don't even need to rehash all the wrong info and false guarantees which have been shown to be nothing but bullsh..

But, i will continue to do so anyway.

Everyone who reads this board should know who has been right and who has been wrong.