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07/31/14 1:14 PM

#49511 RE: SCashis #49510

Hi SCashis no it's not you.....I use to get mad

I no longer can afford to use my emotions anymore I had to
learn the enough of the little stuff and keep
adapting every trade.

When I started thinking positive 9.99999% of
the time no matter what happens. Things begin
to improve in my trading I can only control
my strategies but always keep my enemy closer.

The SEC and The IRS/Lois Lerner they are two of the
same different for the Off shore bankers.
I found out in order for me to win I have to work and spot everything

I believe in FRTD I understand what he is dealing
with. I will continue to buy when I have funds.

The SEC did job knock the momentum out then the
criminals ran their naked shorts and failed trades.
It's all good$$$$

Patrick Byrne: What is Naked Shorting?
Byrne explains the illegal practice of borrowing and selling phantom shares of

publicly traded companies. He argues Americans; savings are undermined by naked shorting.


07/31/14 4:22 PM

#49512 RE: SCashis #49510

FRTD was rolling the SEC waited for the price to rise
and for their big day.

What? This price was pumped from sub-penny up to .08. There was zero value in this company when it was at .08, just a bunch of press releases that touted un-named great deal after un-named great deal, set to close in [insert deadline four to six weeks from date of press release].

Funny how every deal was un-named (or in the case of PRIMARQ, which was the one deal where a co. was named, out-and-out denied by the other party). Funny how every date for said deal to close was weeks down the line, yet not once did a deal close.

The price then fell down to .02 after FRTD's (read: Parilla's) failure to close on any deal. Experienced OTC traders realized, if they hadn't known before, that FRTD was a scam. The last straw was the bogus merger, and the stock had fallen from it's high of .08 for several months when the SEC stepped in. Your overview of where FRTD stood is just false.