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07/31/14 9:02 AM

#40302 RE: bluejacket6 #40299

You're right, bluejacket, forming an LLC proves zip.

But identifying that LLC as the exclusive licensee in a formal filing with the SEC proves a lot more than zip.

It is unlikely that REVO filed a direct untruth in the 10-Q.
So it is unlikely that REVO made untruthful statements when identifying Eyetalk365 as the licensee in their 10-Q.


07/31/14 9:06 AM

#40304 RE: bluejacket6 #40299

blue its not so much the formation of the company as it is the fact that Ali is lying about who it is and creating speculation that it is a multi-million dollar company in order to pump the pps.

Once he tells you the truth...expect a flood of shares to enter the market...on the sell side.

He will keep this game up for as long as he can especially in light of the fact that financials are due again soon. Expect several pumping PRs in the meantime so note holders can exit.