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07/31/14 12:58 AM

#219648 RE: Pennylanepam #219647

Just taking note of an honest assessment and opinion of the NP-1.

What retail price should be placed on the NP-1 if any at all?

The problem I see as I own a Np1 is, since I cant watch Netflix House of cards season2 and Youtube 4k movies all in native 4k

Why in the hell did I buy this then, I already own a Roku box that runs much smoother on my HDTV THAN THE Np1

I am not interested in 60% of the content on ultraflix I am disapointed that I need to hardwire it to keep it from stuttering

The wireless adapter in the NP1 sucks,

It was never mentioned that you need a hard wired internet connection alll you need is 9mbps streaming and you good
To go was said
Well I have 23mps download speed and wireless sucks on 2.4g as well as 5g network

Everything in my hoise runs wireless over a ASUS Latest model flagship dual router,

I keep the box since I am not a cheap ass, just hope that I can upgrade later for a slim amount without getting charged again