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07/31/14 7:43 AM

#78118 RE: dadofduck #78114

"Your 'great' idea is for absolute honesty and for us to PR at the drop of a hat. "

he did not ask for "absolute" honesty nor did he ask for a pr "at the drop of the hat"...

"Your 'great idea' would likely send the stock price tumbling, not sure how 'agreeable' you would be then?? "

his "great idea" was a little honesty...and in your opinion , that would cause the pps to tumble?...that doesnt show much faith in the company...

"I'm smart enough to realise that this latest PR has negative implications but I'm grateful that Kim has painted it in a way that means plenty of investors will read it as positive "

what? are grateful that kim painted the negatives in such a way that investors will be mislead to think they are positive?...

" I'm smart enough to see that there's negatives but also optimistic enough to see the positive ("yeah we had issues but we've got them sorted and now we are FLYING"). "

yea...kblb is say that was a pretty optimistic point of view all

"Your suggestion is to announce the negative without announcing the solution in tandem. I'd rather you keep that suggestion locked away as I certainly wouldn't want Kim to take any notice of it. "

again...the suggestion was honesty...some investors actually like to hear the truth once in a while...others apparently perfer deception and secrecy...go figure...

"On a final note, would love it if you humoured me and spent a little time digging on go the magical World Wide Web and find me some PRs from companies that have a completely truthful tone with plenty of negative and not an ounce of positive spin. There's a good reason why you'll have a hard time finding many of those."

find a company that puts out all negative news with nothing positive to say?... the implication is that is all kblb has, thus the reason they must mislead or not say anything...

wow...investors reading your post would leave and never look back