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07/30/14 7:46 PM

#10412 RE: Lax daddy #10411

Yes, I called and got all the facts. It turns out Jim Singer, the Director of Investor Relations for Raytheon HAS NEVER HEARD OF TMM!!!!!!!!! Which makes you wonder whether that pump and dump PR back in May was approved by the RTN IR department. Not looking good for that is it?


07/30/14 7:47 PM

#10414 RE: Lax daddy #10411

lax, the last time I spoke with TMMI I was treated rather rudely by a girl named Angelia. I will never call TMMI again. As far as calling TMMI's clients/partners/whatever they are, I think that is in poor taste and if I were the person at RTN on that line I would get a little pizzed off by it. That being said, I truly do not believe that Investor Relations is where an exploratory software program trial would be the place to start calling. That is, unless, Raytheon's SRI effort is totally different than any other business I work with.