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Replies to #250 on ZAP (fka ZAAP)


04/02/06 1:34 PM

#251 RE: naked-trader #250

Sorry but this heading on the last e-mail from Steve did not paste

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2006 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: insiders

I don't want people to think I'm posting bullsh$#@#. I was quite surprised in Steve's response to mine. He seemed a little upset that the chairman was selling as well. I take comfort in the fact that Mr Schneider is so easily accessible. As you can see from the times of the e-mails he got back to me almost immedietly. This appears to me that he is concerned with shareholders and any CEO that will take time out of his busy day to address an angry shareholders feelings can't be all that bad in my book. And like I said in the e-mail, I really believe in what ZAP is doing and also think it is the future!! Forward thinking people and businesses will always be rewarded. Now if we could just get G. Bush and his oil cronies out of power we'll be all set. I didn't care for Al Gore but i voted for him just on his green policies. When it came to the earth and the enviroment he was a forward thinker! Look back in time and think of how successful past forward thinking presidents and rulers of nations have been. Now think of the non-forward thinkers. Can you think of any non forward thinkers? Probably not, because no one talks about them due to their inability to have done anything significant!

A quote from a forward thinker.................

A nation that destroys it's soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.

Franklin D. Roosevelt