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04/02/06 12:41 PM

#443 RE: kickask #442

Valid points and questions kickask, we will look forward to your contacting them and the reply/report back, when available. In any stock, it's all about the details matching up and the overall plan being executed, no exceptions, but the other products coming into play will certainly help the bottom line. GLTA


04/02/06 12:57 PM

#444 RE: kickask #442

Thanks for your thoughts kickask.
As far as how much revenue will be bought in by the end of 2006,we cannot positively say that they can't do a certain number.
Example.Nike,giving Tiger Woods $20,000,000 in the first quarter.How would that effect sales in the last two quarters?
A new toy is released for Christmas,by a company that showed losses for the first two quarters.The toy is a smash hit.
They make more money in the last quarter, than the last 6 quarters put together.What is the bottom line for the year?
This company has been reinvesting profits,and personally,I believe ,the new distributors they picked up in the first quarter,the new products coming out this month and the Asian shipments going out in April will show significant numbers later in the year.


04/02/06 1:05 PM

#446 RE: kickask #442

kickask, make some valid points but,...

did your assessment recognize that PECB now has international possibilites with the arrangement with Tradewinds Global for distribution in Asia and other Pacific Rim contries ?

we're talking world/global sales. not sales limited to the US only.

just interested if you included that in your assessment.